Saturday 19 March 2011

Spring : Advice and its type

Any functionality that exists in an application, but cannot be added in a desirable way is called a cross-cutting concern.

That cross-cutting concern is called aspect-oriented programming (AOP). It deals with the functionality in applications that cannot be efficiently implemented with pure object-oriented techniques.

One of the core features of AOP frameworks is implementing cross-cutting concerns once and reusing them in different places and in different applications. In AOP jargon, the implementation of a cross-cutting concern is called an advice.

AOP frameworks allow you to define which advice is applied to which methods

Spring AOP supports following types of advices
Joinpoint is the point of execution of application, like method.
Spring AOP supports four advice types that each represents a specific scenario for advice implementations:
  • Around advice: Controls the execution of a join point. This type is ideal for advice that needs to control the execution of the method on the target object.
  • Before advice: Is executed before the execution of a join point. This type is ideal for advice that needs to performan action before the execution of the method on the target object.
  • After advice: Is executed after the execution of a join point. This type is ideal for advice that needs to perform an action after the execution of the method on the target object.
  • Throws advice: Is executed after the execution of a join point if an exception is thrown. This type is ideal for advice that needs to performan action when the execution of the method on the target object has thrown an exception.

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