Monday 11 April 2011

Eclipse Tip: Hide Closed Projects in Eclipse Project Explorer View

Ever wanted to hide all those closed projects in eclipse? Well, here is a simple trick that you may not know already.
Imagine your Eclipse workspace is filled with many projects that you created in past just to test some small functionality. Now you are done with these projects and hence you have closed it. Eclipse by default show all the closed projects in Project Explorer. Hence your project explorer may look like following where only two projects are open and rest competing for your attention although they are closed!
Eclipse comes with a cool tiny feature that many of us not know. You may want to Hide all those closed projects from your workspace in Project Explorer tab. Simply follow following steps and do this is few seconds!
Step 1: Click on right corner of Project Explorer tab and open context menu. Select Filters option from menu.
Step 2: Check Closed Projects option from Filter and press Ok
Now check your project explorer tab, all the closed projects are gone! Doesn’t it looks more clean :)

We used Filters option to remove closed projects from Project Explorer tab. Filters provides more options to select and remove from displaying it from explorer view.


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