Monday 11 April 2011

Some very useful Eclipse IDE Shortcuts for Developers

Eclipse have been my favorite Java IDE since I started coding in Java. Shortcuts makes life very easy when you are working with any IDE. Eclipse also comes with lot of shortcuts that makes like of a developer easy.
Following are few shortcuts of my choice.
  1. Ctrl + Shift + O : Organize imports
  2. Ctrl + / : Line Comment
  3. Ctrl + Shift + T : Open Type
  4. Ctrl + O : Open declarations
  5. Ctrl + E : Open Editor
  6. Ctrl + Shift + F4 : Close all Opened Editors
  7. Alt + Shift + R : Rename
  8. Alt + Shift + L : Extract to Local Variable
  9. Alt + Shift + M : Extract to Method
  10. F3 : Open Declaration
  11. Alt + Shift + X : Run As…
  12. Alt + Shift + D : Debug As…
  13. Alt + Shift + W : show the class in the package view.
  14. Ctrl + T : Type hierarchy
  15. Ctrl+Q : Last edit
  16. Alt + Left or Alt + Right : Navigate Left and Right
  17. Ctrl + 1 : Quick Fix
  18. Ctrl + Space : Content Assist
  19. Alt + Shift + F : Format code
  20. Alt + Shift + S + R : Generate getter and setter methods

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